
We believe that the definition of training is: A professional organized activity aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

GLEXCON created this platform to help you prevent and prepare for risk events, respond appropriately to critical incidents and ensure with swift recovery. Prior to this we can offer several tailor made training programs.

Vehicle Training

Advanced Armored Vehicle Training: While having an armored vehicle is an important part of a detailed security program, its not the only part. We encourage our clients to go and receive protective driver training tailored toward armored vehicles. Our armored vehicle protective driver training courses cover topics like evasive driving techniques, anti-kidnapping techniques, route planning, protective driving, immediate action skills, accident avoidance course, and surveillance detection techniques. All training techniques have been test by experts in the field, and proper training can help you avoid or escape a potentially life-threatening situation.

Audience : Drivers of an Embassy or Organisation

Glexcon can also provide offense and defense driving training for drivers of your organization.

Facilitators work side-by-side with participants, using practical activites, interactive simulated experiences, coaching & mentoring to ensure the best possible training impact.

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